IDEADONNA was founded in December 9, 2000 in order to foster the empowerment of migrant women. The aims of the Association are to encourage and accompany processes of self-determination and individual strengthening among migrant women, to work towards social inclusion respectful of differences, to contribute to social justice and the full achievement of equal opportunities.

The commitment to defend fundamental human rights has so far been split into the following specific sub-objectives:

protection and empowerment of women and men, adults and minors, who escape exploitation or discriminations, with shelters and activities aimed at job placement;
health promotion, with health education activities directed both to migrant women in general, and to the more specific target of sex workers;
nformation and basic training for migrant women to foster gender empowerment;
raise awareness over issues related to the safeguard of human and civil rights.

IDEADONNA was given legal status by the Piedmont Region (No. 973 of the Provisional Central Regional Register of Legal Entities – Decree 642, July 6, 2010) and is registered in the Register of non-profit Associations atthe Inland Revenue, Register of Associations of the City of Turin (Register No. 20, Protocol 573) from March 6, 2001, Second Section of the National Register of public agencies and associations advocating for immigrants (special section for those who work on behalf of victims of trafficking and recipients of social protection measures; Legislative Decree 286/98 art. 42 paragraph 2 and Presidential Decree 394/99 art. 52) from 20 December 2001 and the Register of Associations and Public Bodies working against discrimination (UNAR Register, instituted according to the EU Directive n. 2000/43/EC, art. 6 of Legislative Decree 215/03 at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Rights and Equal Opportunities) from march 2008.

Bodies who have financially contributed to the implementation of the initiatives and projects by IDEADONNA: Regione Piemonte; Provincia di Torino; Città di Torino; ASL 3 Torino; ASL Torino 2; Compagnia di San Paolo; Fondazione CRT; Alleanza Toro Assicurazioni; JP Morgan Chase Bank; Ufficio Pio San Paolo; Chiesa Valdese; Arcidiocesi di Torino; Ufficio per la Pastorale dei Migranti di Torino; Anlaids Piemonte; Fondazione L’Albero della Vita Onlus; Sompan Foundation; Tanya Foundation. Other activities have been carried out on behalf of: Associazione Gruppo Abele Onlus; Consorzio Kairòs; Associazione Me.Dia.Re; Coop. Soc. Progetto Tenda.

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